wheelchair accessible sign and walkway towards a sandy beach, blue sky and palm trees in the background

It's not just a dream...

  • Do you like to travel?
  • Do you, or someone you know have mobility issues?

Vacations including air travel, camping, cruising and many other adventures are all possible with a little extra planning and research. Some things that need to be considered when planning a trip for anyone with mobility issues are:

  • Flights & Transportation
    • Many airlines require wheelchair users to travel with an attendant. Flight attendants will not help with mobility issues or individual personal needs. However, some airlines will offer a reduced companion fare. Although hotel transportation is often included with All-Inclusive packages, these are not necessarily accessible.
  • Hotels & Washrooms
    • There are some beautiful resorts, hotels and staterooms that have accessible options available. These include safety equipment in the washrooms, wider doorways and generally larger common areas to facilitate better flow and movement. There have also been elevators & accessible washrooms throughout many hotels I personally vacationed at.
  • Excursions
    • The beach is often inaccessible for people in wheelchairs. This beach wheelchair is available for rent in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and is an example of accessible options while vacationing. Pictured above is a public beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico where a walkway and palapas have been built specifically for people with disabilities.
beach wheelchair, large inflatable grey wheels, green fabric seating and back rest. Safety Straps. Go into the ocean or lake using this chair

Travelling provides memories that last a lifetime.

It can be intimidating to plan a vacation with so many unknowns;
peace of mind is important.

I encourage you to dream & believe that YOU can travel. This is possible.

Where do you want to go?
What do you want to see?

Send an Email today, let's start planning your next trip!